Monday, January 26, 2015

I'm Not A Kid Anymore

Even five year old Jak seems to know what it means when you hit the big three-oh! So here's to year filled with more "grown-up" adventures.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Snow Tubing Blues

The day had finally come! We were headed to the Poconos for our tubing adventure. As a typical Floridian mom, I had the kids snug in ten layers of clothing. They were ready to take on the snow. Anticipation was high as we reached the belt to take us up the mountain. That's when our  I Guess Im Due moment began...

Snow from the snow machine began to pelt us in the face the entire way up. We literally felt like we were caught in the middle of a blizzard. Frozen tears began flow from the little ones. When we finally made it to the top, with icicles forming from our face and jackets, it was clear that not everyone was happy to be there. We managed to capture a picture on the top of the mountain. Can you tell who was having the most fun on our tubing adventure?
Both Lilly and Owen refused to go down the mountain. After ten minutes of persuading, coaxing, and pleading, Raquel and I somehow managed to make it down with two crying kids.

I guess some kids are made for the snow,
and some just aren't.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Jamberry Nails Giveaway

Let's face it, these days with three kids running around, playing taxi driver, chef, and mommy, a rarely have time for myself (or my nails). Thank goodness for Jamberry Nail wraps, otherwise these nails would never see color. I was introduced to these amazing wraps that I can do, yes, myself, at home! I didn't even have to wait restlessly for my nails to dry! Could it be any easier?! 

Thanks to our friend and Jamberry Nail consultant, Abby, she is giving one lucky I Guess Im Due reader a chance to win a set of Jamberry wraps. Be sure to comment below for your chance to win! 

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Want to try a sample for free? Visit to leave your sample request. 

Comment below with your choice of your favorite nail wrap! Other styles and products can be seen at Our lucky winner will be announced here on Tuesday, January 20th, so enter now!

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Thanks to, our lucky winner is entry #2, Kathy Boykin. Congrats!

Thank you to all who participated. Check back often more great posts and giveaways.

This giveaway is now closed.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Seeing Double

 Meet Abby. Being a first time mommy for this chick was as easy as pie. Since the first go around was so smooth for her, having a second was a no brainer. However, Abby's plans for having another only baby left her seeing double. Enjoy today's I Guess Im Due moment in her own words below.
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Sometimes, your first baby is easy. Sometimes she's not. We got very lucky the first time around...good sleeper, good eater, not too fussy. I started to think myself, "I was MADE to be a mom, this is so much easier than others make it look"!

Wow, was I wrong. We were just. simply. lucky. Since our first daughter was so easy, we decided we could do it all over again rather quickly. When Eleanor was 8 months old, we discussed trying again. The first time around took us awhile and we wanted our kids close in age.

On Eleanor's first birthday we found out we were pregnant. She would just be a couple months shy of 2 when the baby was born...perfection!

The second pregnancy wasn't as easy as the first. My belly got really big, really fast this time around. I also experienced much worse morning sickness (let's be real: that shit lasts all day). However, I was assured by friends, family and doctors that this was all normal with a second pregnancy. "Maybe it's a boy this time around?!?"

After a Christmas Eve trip to the ER for IV fluids & really bad winter storms postponing our ultrasounds, we finally found out at 21 weeks the reason behind my terrible pregnancy symptoms...we were having twins! TWINS! At 21 weeks! How can that be? Somehow, two babies under 2 seemed doable, but 3 babies?!? We knew we were in trouble! And we have been ever since...

The twins, Ingrid and Odette were born in early June. Eleanor was 20 months old...such a good kid, but still a baby herself. And as karma, baby gods, or whatever forces determine infant temperament, would have it, we got our challenge! Granted they are twins, with a two-year-old sister, but they are not easy babies.

I stay home with the girls now and we all do our best every single day. Recently, they took turns hating sleep, even our perfect sleeper of two years joined in on the fun. We've worked through gas issues, reflux, teething, and more sickness circling around than I ever could have thought possible in 6 short months. But we are surviving.
We love each other, we have fun together, and we cry together. I'm no longer the mom who feels confident in every decision or even in my ability to leave the house some days. But, thanks to my hardworking husband and my supportive family, we are surviving.

Staying at home has been a journey that's been filled with I Guess Im Due moments. I never thought it could be as difficult, or as rewarding, as it is. My truest struggle in staying home turns out be just feeling like a human. From the moment they wake up, I am changing, feeding, bathing, soothing, and playing and, well you get it. And it seems that there is only one night a week that all of the girls will go to bed and stay asleep.
With all this chaos, I end up forgetting to take care of myself. My New Years resolution is for 2015 to be MY year. I won't skimp on baby lovin, but I WILL take time to exercise, prepare meals, get my hair cut (!) and do my nails. I can't help but think 2015 has some awesome adventures in store for my little family. My husband and I are excited to watch our babes grow and learn, while we feel the pressures that comes with raising healthy, polite, and kind little ladies.

It is definitely not easy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!

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In addition to being a full time mommy, Abby is also a Jamberry consultant. To make sure you start your year off right, Abby will be doing an I Guess Im Due giveaway! Be sure to check back here on Friday for all the details!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

what to pack when flying with toddlers

Traveling on a plane with toddlers is, let's face it, stressful! The thought of being trapped in a flying object with a small child gives me shivers. There's nothing blissful about worrying if you're going to be the parent with that kid on the plane. So to help alleviate some I Guess Im Due moments during your flight, be sure to pack your carry-on with these nine must-haves items...

1. Books:
Board books, coloring books, reading books, notebooks, and my favorite- activity books. 

2. Wipes:
A must have, good for spills, runny noses, and sticky messes!

3. First Aid Kit:
Ready for little boo-boos. Band Aids, first aid ointment, and hand sanitizer. 

4. Coloring tools:
Crayons, markers, pencils and a personal favorite- Color Wonder markers (for your messy artists).

5. Med Kit:
Just the basics, Tylenol and Ibuprofen.

6. Electronics:
iPad, iPod, Kindle, you get the idea. And don't forget the headphones!

7. Snacks: 
These days airlines are going skimpy on the snacks. I like to come with some favorites- Cliff Bars, Cuties, Veggies Straws, Gummy Bears, and squeezable apple sauce. Be sure to remember a sippy cup too!

8. PlayDoh:
I usually pack 3-4 small Playdoh jars. They are mess free, take little space, and super fun for the kids (and me). 

9. Change of clothes:
Accidents happen! I typically fill a gallon ziploc bag with a pair of pants, shirt, and underwear. If you have space, pack a shirt for yourself. Spills and spit up happen. :)