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Thursday, January 5, 2017


Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year and share Rynnie's 6 month snapshots with you guys! As you'll see, taking these pictures is getting much more difficult...

2016 was all about baby. I took a six month maternity leave and let myself worry about nothing but her. But now it's 2017 and time to get back into the swing of things. Motherhood has definitely brought a whole new meaning to the term 'multi-tasking,' but alas the time has come. 

During my last trimester, I craved sweets and unfortunately that craving hasn't gone away. I could eat an entire watermelon in one sitting (which was slightly impressive, yet alarming) and a half dozen donuts. I sure wish I had the same excuse now!

I know it can be a slippery slope, so this week, I started setting my alarm an hour before she wakes up for some 'me' time with breakfast, meditation, and a quick workout. It's not about the weight for me, its about what makes me feel good, hence making me a better wife and mother. 

If you've wanted to hit the snooze button and grab a bag of Reese's at night like me, let's power through and start the year off right. 

My next post is a video about "The Aftermath" of pregnancy and everything you'll need to know about it. I touched on it in my last article for the Huffington Post, but will get deeper into it - oh goodie for you, I know ;)

Wishing you the happiest 2017 yet!

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