"I earned a gumball!" For my kids, that phrase is music to their ears. I know what you're thinking...why on earth would your kids earn a gumball?! Well, it all started about a year ago when I would find the kiddos doing random acts of kindness or had strangers compliment my kids behavior while we were out. I wanted to find a way to "reward" them for those small (but very important) moments. So I came up with the gumball jars.

The concept is simple. Anytime we catch the kids being kind or helpful without being prompted they earn a gumball. One goes in their jar and one they can pop in their mouth. If we are out and about and someone compliments them on their great behavior, another gumball! However, a gumball can be removed if we see them being unkind or disobedient (it's never pretty). Once the kids earn 15 gumballs they earn a reward.
We celebrate by letting them pick an activity from "the list"! They empty their jars and it starts all over again.
Gumballs will never be the same in our house. Even my little nephew wants in on the gumball craze when he visits. Who knew that a simple gumball would be such a great motivator?