1. Your car floor is forever covered in smashed cheerios & goldfish, it doesn’t matter how many times you vacuum it.
2. The windows in your house have been decorated with beautiful hand, lip, and face prints.
3. When looking for your keys in your purse you find crayons, a diaper, rocks, crumbs, and Happy Meal toys.
4. Your DVR is loaded with Disney Jr. & Nick Jr. shows.
5. Your bedroom seems to have more of your kids things in it than your own personal things.
6. When looking through your phone, you notice that 75% of your apps are for kids.
7. The kitchen is most likely stocked with boxes of mac and cheese, yogurt, cheese, goldfish, and juice boxes.
8. You find endless crumbs under the table, actually you’re pretty sure theres a crumb monster living under your table.
9. Your alarm clock is a child standing by the side of your bed poking you and asking, "Is it time to wake up now?!"
10. When you go into your bathroom, you notice the toilet hasn’t been flushed; you see a pile of toilet paper and some turds floating in it.
11. You find yourself quoting the movie ‘Frozen’ throughout the day.
12. When you have a sitter for the night, you make sure you come home after bedtime, just so you don't have to deal with the bedtime wars.
13. Some days you literally count down the minutes to nap time or bedtime, because let's face it that's your sanctuary.
14. When you go out for a night on the town, it's a struggle to stay out past 10:30 pm, because these days your head hits the pillow by ten.
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